dimanche 23 août 2015

GoDaddy is no longer provide Facebook Ad credit coupon

Make Money Online Blog
With Facebook Ad® credits, you can place your advertisements on the pages of Facebook®. With Facebook you can create ads, track your progress, and target a specific audience.

As of May 1, 2015, customers will no longer receive Facebook Ad credits. If you received a credit before then and want to use it, you must redeem it before August 1, 2015.

For more information on Facebook Ads see Redeeming your Facebook Ad Credits, or see Are there Restrictions on Promotional Facebook Ads Credits?

1 commentaire:

  1. You can make $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what major companies are paying for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.
